Sunday, May 15, 2011

Easter in Brazil

Differences in Dourados

  • It is fall in the southern hemisphere
  • Including a cold front with wind, a hard rain, & a 20 degree drop in temperature
Traditional Holy Week and Easter
  • Good Friday is a national holiday
  • Everything is closed
  • Maundy Thursday is a national holiday – (1 of 2 independence days)
  • Many people take a mini-vacations over the long weekend
  • Easter Sunday
  • Service is held at 5 in the afternoon
  • Includes the people from the morning and evening service
Fellowship Meal
  • Potluck doesn't work because everyone thinks they have to have some of EVERY dish that is served
  1. Church council plans a fellowship day
    • Passes date & time of service to the ladies' group
  2. Ladies group decides what to serve & makes up a list of needed ingredients
  3. This list is placed at the back of the church
    • At least a month before the event
  4. People sign up to bring what they can afford
    • This year the ladies decided to make a huge chocolate cake (enough for 80 people) and each family brought a 2-liter bottle of soda to the service.  Along with the cake and soda after the service, and there was plenty of time for fellowship.
Same Savior

Better even than the chocolate cake was the Easter service itself, the singing, the pre-service music by the bell choir, and the full house. The Easter message was "Where is Jesus?", and we were all strengthened by the sermon and the Bible readings.

There were quite a few visitors in the service.

One young mother who comes regularly with her two boys, but is not yet a member, brought her neighbor, who was instantly recognized by one of our older members who has lived on this side of town all her life. She seems to know everybody! So the lady guest could feel right at home.

Around ten students from the Monday evening kids class came and were super well behaved during the service and afterwards. Many of the older ones participated, singing, and joining in the responsive prayers.
Dear fellow believers, we saw you at the foot of the cross and at the empty tomb! How many tears did we shed over our sin, and how many Alleluia's did we all sing in the joy of our resurrection! May that joy stay with us always!

Retired Missionary Charlie and Beth continue to serve Igreja Luterana Brasileira – The Brazilian Lutheran Church as active volunteers, residing in Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul.

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