You can support the seminary training in Latin America through...
Please pray for God’s blessings on:
1) The four members of the LATTE team and their families
and their families:
become self-supporting sister churches with WELS:
- Missionary Larry W. and Marlene, director of the team
- Missionary Lorenzo and Kay
- Missionary Philip and Kathy
- Missionary Natán and Julia
and their families:
- Julio and others in Bolivia
- Elcy, Gilberto, Roberto, and others in Brazil
- Adolfo, Eliseo, Fabio, Fernando, Henry, Raúl, Rubén, Ross, Tonny, and others in Colombia
- Alex, Eduardo, Juan M, Juan, T, Nelson, Rona, and others in the Dominican Republic
- Alejandro, Carlos C, Dan, Eduardo, Esequiel, Gerardo, Gonzalo, Israel, Jorge, Luis, and others in Mexico
- Eligio, Manuel, Sergio, and others in Puerto Rico
- Carlos C, Carlos, P, Duhamel, Eric, Ernesto, Miguel, and others in the Caribbean
- Various men studying through online courses
become self-supporting sister churches with WELS:
- Christian Evangelical Lutheran Confessional Church (Bolivia)
- Brazilian Lutheran Church (Brazil)
- Evangelical Lutheran Confessional Church (Colombia)
- Dominican Republic
- Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Church (Mexico)
- The Caribbean
pastors, and all their families living in Mexico from the
heightened violence
5) Safe travels and continued health for missionaries and
heightened violence
5) Safe travels and continued health for missionaries and
families, as well as for our national students and pastors
6) Understanding and wisdom for professors as they teach
6) Understanding and wisdom for professors as they teach
and train by word and example
7) Dedication and faith for the students as they dig deeper
into God's Word to be able to share it with their
into God's Word to be able to share it with their
8) Good government and good weather
an effort to offer theological education in even more areas -- without
additional travel -- we are slowly offering more long distance education over
the Internet. We must reformat the material and change our methodology to fit into a "virtual" classroom
environment. We request you
prayers for the Lord's success in this area also.
Contact WELS Kingdom Workers for volunteer opportunities
Online donations may be given through WELS Christian Giving