Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Update from South America

A LATTE Professor has been in La Paz, Bolivia, since March of this year. His purpose is to help a small church body in its effort to become a confessional Lutheran church. The instructor reports that there is good progress. The pastor of the La Paz congregation is now preaching and practicing sound Biblical doctrine and other leaders are also gladly receiving Biblical instruction. Though there has been progress, there is still work to be done. 

Despite church break-ins and unexpected bills from the city, God is helping the members of the Gravatai congregation to slowly increase support for their local ministry. Another two baptisms and five confirmations show God's grace in action. The Brazilian Lutheran Church (ILB) is in the process of producing evangelism tracts that deal with current issues in Brazilian culture. National pastors gathered around God's Word for spiritual growth and mutual encouragement in October. In November, WELS representatives met with the ILB to discuss options for how the WELS and the ILB might work together so that the gospel may continue to be proclaimed in the world's fifth largest country. 

The growth of the church in the Medellin, Quibdó and prospective Pereira area is slow. The willingness of the church of Medellin to relocate Pastor Herrera to a new city and partially support him shows the seriousness it takes mission work. This idea is under strong consideration and is an objective for the immediate future once more prospective members are added. This outreach commitment merits support and encouragement.  The growth in Bogota has been very limited.  Efforts are being made to help the congregation focus on evangelism, as well as the LATTE efforts to train three leaders of the congregation. Training of one pastor continues via Skype and with personal visits from LATTE professors. Training of two more student candidates is under consideration.

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