Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sharing Peace in Jesus

Seminary Student Eligio and his wife, Noemi

 Eligio was born into a family that was very religious, and as such he participated as a young person in many of the activities that his church offered. However he did not know peace with Jesus until years later when he was sitting on the front step of his house when a WELS missionary named Paul Hartman came walking up to him and asked if he could talk with him.  Eligio was struck by the Bible teachings that he learned at the new mission, and he continued studying any Bible course that was offered. So he now says that he began studying for the ministry without being aware of it. When he recommended to his pastor that a different member of the church would be a good candidate to study for the ministry, he found out about the Bible Institute that the mission was offering and signed up to take some classes.

Eligio has served in his congregation in many ways, giving the liturgy, learning how to preach sermons, teaching Sunday school and VBS classes. He has already served as a student pastor. His greatest joy in the ministry has been when he was privileged to preach to larger crowds of people about the wonder of God's grace and the peace we have in Jesus' forgiveness. 

His goal is to retire from the police force (he is a detective sergeant in the municipal police force) and offer his full-time service to the church by the end of this year. Eligio has almost finished his seminary studies with LATTE and should soon graduate from the seminary. We pray that he would continue to be a blessing to the church in Puerto Rico, and that God richly bless his continuing ministry in His name.

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