Thursday, July 28, 2011

One in Mission

This week over 400 pastors, teachers, and congregation members gather at the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) 61st Biennial Convention (click here for details) in Watertown, Wisconsin to work together as one body to review, plan, and prepare ministry efforts of the synod. LATTE Professor Natán is one of the world missionaries participating as a delegate at this event. Follow his daily blog for updates.

The days are full of devotions, special events, discussions, proposals, and resolutions with fellowship in between. Some highlights for Latin America:  

Declaration of fellowship 
with the Lutheran Church of Puerto Rico
LATTE seminary student Eligio attended as a representative for the Iglesia Evangelica Luterana Cristiana of Puerto Rico (IELC - PR). Former LATTE Professor Ralph and Roxy also attended this special event.

LATTE Presentation
Professor Natán shared an evening presentation on the work of Latin American Traveling Theological Educators with the delegates.

In addition to the work in Latin America, many presentations and handouts feature mission work in other world mission fields-75th year anniversary in Nigeria, 50th anniversary in the Central Africa Medical Mission, updates from Zambia and other places around the world.  A great opportunity to share and learn!

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