Thursday, June 28, 2012

Our God Reigns!

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!" -- Isaiah 52:7

801 souls gathered in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA for the opening worship service of the 49th Annual Lutheran Women's Missionary Society (LWMS) Convention. What an amazing experience to come together as such a large group and partake of the Lord's Supper with our brothers and sisters in Christ!

Each year, this dedicated group of ladies (and men) comes together to support mission work. The group is organized into 61 circuits which represent 884 WELS congregations and four individual members. This year the Heritage Circuit hosted the convention. A record breaking 155 participants were first-time attendees, one being my husband, Natán. 

I have attended many LWMS conventions in the past, in a "behind the scenes" role and more of an encourager. This was my first convention participating as a missionary, being the one encouraged. Wow! Tears fill my eyes when I think of all the hugs and encouraging words we received from these loving sisters and supporters.

My husband and I immensely enjoyed the mission presenters from around the world, sharing how God is reigning in their ministries from countries like Antigua and Mexico; the Apache Nation, WELS Military Services and Sure Foundation in the USA; all the the way to Malawi, Africa, and various places in Asia. We also had the opportunity to share how WELS is taking seminary training across borders through our Latin American Traveling Theological Educators (LATTE) team.

We were delighted to connect with many women from Latin America, many of whom have migrated to the USA and are active members of WELS congregations. Some of them have ties to our mission congregations in the Caribbean. We hope to reach out to their family members who continue to reside in the Latin American countries where we serve.

We thank each dear member of LWMS. May God continue to bless their efforts as they continue to support home and world mission work and prepare for the upcoming 50th Annual LWMS Convention in La Crosse, Wisconsin... where it all began. 

Click here  for additional details about our convention experience.

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