Friday, November 9, 2012

Nurture & Admonition of the Lord

Recently, here in the congregation Santísima Trinidad of Medellin, Colombia, Pastor Tonny had a special privilege. He officiated in the confirmation of his son, Mateo.

 Pastor Tonny confirms his son, Mateo

A father and son hug

This is always a joyful occasion for every pastor, parent and congregation. This has been an emotional year for this particular family in that their oldest son, Daniel, also confirmed a few years ago, died unexpectedly in January. That was a poignant reminder to Tonny and his wife Marta and all of those of this congregation of the importance of instructing their children in the Word and encouraging them in their faith from cradle through adulthood. 

 Mateo's first communion

We rejoice in the wonderful example this couple are in their dedication to this most important work of parenthood!

 Pastor Tonny, Marta, & Mateo

  “Bring your children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4)

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