Friday, March 25, 2011

Growing in Brazil

LATTE continues work in another country in South America, Brazil. Missionary Natán serves as WELS Friendly Counselor, working with the Igreja Luterana Brasileira (ILB) to maintain their current ministry and provide training for future church leaders at local and national levels. 
This young Brazilian Church is served by two national pastors and a lay evangelist. They are committed to faithfully applying God’s Means of Grace in the cities of Dourados (Mato Grosso do Sul), Gravataí (Rio Grande do Sul) and Presidente Prudente (São Paulo). Missionary Charlie Flunker continues to reside in Brazil after his retirement, serving the ILB as a volunteer.

LATTE Prof. Natán, Pastor Elcy, Volunteer Missionary Charlier

The Brazilian Lutheran Church is slowly growing. The church is growing numerically with seven baptisms, an adult confirmation and sixteen in instruction class. Growing spiritually as members mature in personal evangelism and participate more in their local ministry.

Congregation in Dourados

Having completed two years in the city of Presidente Prudente, the Brazilian church has to decide whether to continue mission efforts there or direct its efforts elsewhere.

Pastor Roberto

Please keep our brothers and sisters in Brazil in your prayers as they plan for the future to share the good news of Jesus Christ our Savior.

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